How many times have we held back and not followed our dreams because of something that was said by a colleague or a friend or a sibling or even somebody we trust?

How many times have we let people’s opinions determine how far we can go in life?

We cannot prevent people from talking but we have the option of not processing their words or dwelling on them.

You know, I have to admit that I used to let people’s views and opinions “weigh me down” UNTIL I realized that there is an opinion that counts.

It is not everyone who has a say in my life. I am not a garbage bin for people’s thoughts and opinions. I guard my heart above all else. So, if anybody wants to project their insecurities on me, I don’t allow it. There is a treasure in me and I was bought with a price so I just can’t process thoughts of failure or defeat or doubt. I am God’s kid.

Get to a place where you know which opinion counts!

For each and every child of God, what counts is what God thinks and says about you in His Word.

If God says, I can do ALL things through Him then this is all I need to go and win in life. When I get to know this, this becomes my confession. I walk in the light of it. It becomes my consciousness. I speak this way, no matter the circumstances. What if somebody comes and says, “No, you can’t do this because of your level of education or because you are not good enough?” My reaction, I’ll just laugh. Why? Because the opinion which counts said I can do it. Therefore, I go ahead and register supernatural results.

The Bible contains what God said about you, so that you may say it. This means that after you study the written word of God, you declare and proclaim it (say it aloud) in your life!! Christianity is not for quiet people. It is for the talkers. Learn to speak the Word of God, no matter the situation.
If God said, I’m beautiful and I am made in His image, this becomes my confession. My physical appearance doesn’t determine my beauty. I become the beholder of my own beauty. If God has said I am beautiful, then I am. Even in those days, when I don’t feel beautiful, I still see the beauty. It is not about feelings or senses. Feelings fade away but the Word of God is eternal. So, I live above the senses because I am a woman of the spirit. I act like a beautiful girl of God:-) I respect myself. I say good words about myself. I pursue my purpose with the confidence, that I am created after God, Himself😊

I like to speak the Word of God ALWAYS. It doesn’t matter what the circumstances say. No! There’s an opinion that counts!!

This applies, even in ministry. My pastor is not only my pastor but he is my boss too. So, if my Pastor gives me a responsibility, I just go ahead and do it. His opinion, at this point, is the only one that counts. All other opinions at this point are irrelevant. It doesn’t matter how big/ challenging the responsibility is. I remember one time, I was feeling so discouraged and all Pastor told me was, “I believe in you. You know, you should see yourself how I see you and how God sees you. Ignore the noise.”

I have taken these words as rhema, even in other aspects of my life. All I have done is register results. When everyone is talking, I’m working and building myself up. The only option has been to deliver. It doesn’t matter what is done, I stand and produce results. I have learned to have what Pastor calls, the staying power. The Bible says that you are a weak specimen if you cannot withstand pressure! So duuh, since I am a strong specimen haha the seed of God, I have learned to stand!! I am not quick to try and defend myself among human beings. Papa God has said, I am unblameable & indestructible. I don’t try to fit in. Papa God has said, I am accepted in the beloved. That’s what counts!!

Anyway, which opinion counts in your life???

Have you allowed everyone to dump their opinions on you? Which opinions do you esteem in your life? Are the people you listen to, the same people holding you back? What words do your friends speak to your life?? Have you allowed words of discouragements and defeat from people to dominate your life? How far could you go, if your standard became the Word of God?
I am not disregarding the place of advice and counsel but even before you go seek that counsel, you should be able to know what to do through the Word of God!! Synchronize your thoughts with the thoughts of God by studying His Word! Because then, you’ll ALWAYS know what to do.

Beloved, the opinion that counts is what God has said about you!

Get to the Word of God and know what He has said about you!!!