My best friend is the most composed person I have ever met. His level of composure is not of this earth. It doesn’t matter if things have fallen into place or if the circumstances are proving to be a bit rebellious, for a while. If God said it, then that’s his truth. That’s his reality. His confidence is that ALL things are working together for his good, because that’s what Papa God has told us in His Word. If things seem like they’re getting worse, he remains unshaken because Christ in him is the assurance of his victory. It makes no difference what comes towards him.

Anytime I ask, he says, “Faith works in an environment of composure. I am totally persuaded that all things are working together for my good. I have the Word, the Holy Ghost and the ability of God at work in me. How can I lose? My business and career have to experience extraordinary growth and progress because I’m functioning by the wisdom and power of the Holy Ghost. He gives me the winning strategies. I’m just mixing patience with faith. It is coming to pass. I know that I know that it can only work for my good! The Word of God always works. It has never failed and it won’t start with me.”

Beloved, many a times we go through challenging times, difficult times. For instance, I know people who ‘lost’ their parents when they needed them the most. I know people who invested all their money in an investment then lost of all it….But even then, they remained composed. Even in the midst of all the pain and disappointment, they managed to remain joyful. And many will ask, how is it possible? What can explain this? Why? Is it the helplessness of men and the need to cling on to a higher power?

Well, brothers and sisters, these saints have what we can call, the INSIDE INFORMATION.

What is this Inside Information??

These saints have taken time to study the Word of God and they have come to the knowledge of and understanding that all things, including the universe are cooperating and working day and night for their good (Romans 8:28).

They know that Christ in them is their advantage! They know that they have the sure victory in Christ! These saints have come to the realization that even when it seems like it has gotten worse, it doesn’t matter. They know that they have the Senior Partner, the Holy Ghost; that Comforter and Guide that sticks closer than a brother. They know that by the power of the Holy Ghost, it cannot get worse. And even when it seems like they’re losing, they know that they’re winning because they don’t lose! They are no longer trying to believe! They have arrived! They walk by faith! They’re blind to the senses and feelings! Why? Because feelings fade but the Word is eternal. The Word of God is their common sense! It defines their logic! The economy and the systems of this world have no bearing to their prosperity! Theirs is a story of God’s goodness! Even when the symptoms and doctor’s reports scream otherwise, their assurance is the reality of God’s Word! They only say what God said! (Heb 13:5-6) That the life of God at work in them (Zoe- eternal life) cannot co-exist with sickness. Because their body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. Papa God is their landlord. Therefore, they walk in divine health continually. They have the assurance that God is at work in them, despite what they feel at that moment. That’s why they are able to smile through the tears. That’s why they still continue to serve faithfully, despite the challenges. Because beloved, Christ in them is their advantage and the assurance of their victory!!

See, many Christians live on “emergency prayers” and “emergency Word- Rhema.” They do not anticipate evil. They do not stay in the Word. They do not practice meditation of the Word of God or fellowship through prayer. They only try to do it when trouble strikes. So, they fret and give God ultimatums even doubting the efficacy of the Word, in the process. Whereas if only, they could have stayed in the Word, the experience would have been completely different.

Challenges are inevitable in life! If you want to grow, you must experience challenges. Because for each and every level, there are challenges, unique to that level. And as you grow and progress, even the challenges graduate. But as a Christian, how do you deal with these challenges???

Beloved, you need to get to the Word of God! Study it and let it influence your thought pattern. Imbibe it. Don’t wait for trouble to strike so that you remember the Word, precious saint. Stay in the Word. Spend an hour in the morning or whatever time, depending on your schedule, and practice meditation of the Word. This will create in you, an unbeatable mindset. You’ll be unstoppable. And when challenges strike, you’ll not even see them! The Word of God already in you, will create a unique atmosphere of joy and faith around you. You’re gonna get calls that are meant to break you but the Word of God that you took in during your moments of meditation, will cause faith to rise up in you and you will find yourself laughing. You’ll laugh when everyone expects you to be crying! Then after that, you will go ahead and effect the desired change! You’ll be the hope where there is chaos and confusion. You’ll bring a NEW SEASON, everywhere you enter.

Beloved, get to the Word of God because if you don’t, the devil will play gymnastics in your house(life). You’ll always be the one crying and praying for deliverance and asking for emergency prayers from everyone around you. Get a hold of your life through meditation and diligent study of the Word. Desire the Word of God more than necessary food! Then go ahead and put the Word to work! The Holy Spirit, already in you, will guide you on how to win in life, because the victory is guaranteed. He is the evidence that it must work!

Cheer up brethren! The Word of God works!