Growing up, I was strongly aware of the calling of God on my life. I remember, between the ages of 10-13 years, sharing the Gospel with hundreds of teenagers and teachers. It took a lot of courage because I was kinda a stammerer at the time 😊🙈. The only way I knew how to cope was to stay quiet most of the time but when I got an opportunity to share the Word, I did it with so much boldness, I even surprised myself😊

In my late teenage years, the awareness of the pastoral calling was even stronger. I constantly had dreams and visions about ministry. I saw myself carrying out various outreaches in stadiums. I would see crowds, both young and old, surrounding me seeking to listen to the Word. I saw myself preaching the Gospel to thousands of women. I remember this particular vision where I was being persecuted for protecting children hahaha I still remember it in detail. Jesus, I wish I knew how to speak in tongues then because I was so scared😎🙈🙈

As I said, the awareness of the calling was strong but it was also very clear. God was not calling me to start or pioneer a church/ ministry😄 God was calling me to be part of another Man of God’s vision. I knew and had such a strong conviction that I was gonna be part of something BIG; a GLOBAL VISION, a vision through which millions of people would be reached on this earth. This meant I literally would be under the leadership of another Man of God.

However, for some reason, all this didn’t freak me out. I also didn’t concentrate on all that, very much. I knew it wasn’t yet time but I remember writing on my notebook that I would start pastoring at 25 years. Anyway, I took advantage of each and every opportunity presented to me and served God with all my heart. Probably, some of my best moments were serving at the campus fellowship and getting an opportunity to share the Word with so many youths and of course, offer mentorship in what we referred to as families, then. In church, I was also serving. I remember offering to run 2 programs in 2 different churches which I wasn’t even a part of.😂🙈🙈 I executed the programs so well that one of the bishops (of blessed memory) in the ministries asked, who are these people? Because of the passion and excellence we exuded. I volunteered in children’s homes and taught in youth groups. The Gospel was my heartbeat. It still is.

I was so much satisfied and fulfilled but my spirit was craving a father. I still didn’t concentrate on that. I kept on serving and doing everything I was supposed to do.

At 21 years, towards the end of 2013, I was invited for a service in a church at Baricho Road. They called it, Global Light Ministry. I didn’t attend the first time but I honoured my 2nd invite. And Dear Lord Jesus!! Korabashata!!

First of all, the location in which the church was located, was very interesting. 😊😊 That actually made me more curious about this ministry. In front of the church, was a man preaching the Gospel with so much zeal. He looked so radiant. He was glowing. It was like, I was staring at the glory of God🔥🔥Anyway, I presumed that he was the pastor because of the passion with which, he was preaching to the congregation (which consisted of campus students & young professionals.) I walked in and proceeded to sit at a seat on the second row. I then listened to each and every word this Man of God taught. As I listened, I could tell he looked so familiar. I had met him, whether, in the flesh or spirit, I don’t know😂 Towards the end of the service, Pastor looked at me and asked, do I know you?” I was shocked but I found myself saying, “yes, we have met.” Lol😊 Honestly, to date, I still believe I had met Pastor before that day (remember the verses about travailing and giving birth to sons. I am a testimony.)😊 Later, I also realized he had come to a weekend challenge, 4-5 years earlier in high school. Then, I wasn’t keen during that service🙈🙈🙈 His message was very strange to me, especially when he said that we are as righteous as Christ is. My young spirit and mind could not comprehend that.

But here we were. 5 years later. The same Man of God with the same message. The only difference was that this time around, I had a different attitude. I wanted to learn. My friend had also been sharing the message of grace with me and from what I had heard so far, the “Gospel” which I knew had been largely been misrepresented to me.

So, I decided to go on a journey. A journey of learning and unlearning all I thought I knew before. I dropped anything that was inconsistent with the Word of God. I gave myself totally to the ministry of the Word of God. On Wednesday and Sunday, I was ALWAYS there, ready to listen and learn. In between, I would listen to Pastor Chris, sometimes the whole night. Oh!! I was so excited about this new revelation! It’s like I had just got born again, again lol. At the time, I was doing my CPA 5 &6 combined and I tell you, the more understanding I received from the Word, the more it manifested even in school.

Anyway, I joined the church officially in January 2014, after the holidays. I also joined the Ushering department a while later and with time, so many other departments😊 ……and I believe I was very effective. I just wanted to live in church. I had this energy, this drive that was just so supernatural. I was there anytime I was required to be. With my friends,we started even washing the church auditorium each and every Wednesday. My joints would be literally sore for a few days until I got used to it😂🙈🙈

The visions I had been having before I joined GLM, my Pastor was confirming everything through numerous prophecies. As I listened to the Word, my understanding was being more and more enlightened. I also began to understand the vision of the Global Light Ministry.I heard them call it the Vision of God. I took time to understand it. And the moment I got it, I believed it and run with it. Over the years, I have totally given myself to this vision. I continued to serve in various departments and then in 2016, I was ordained to be the pastor overseeing the Virtual Church. I always had a strong conviction that I would reach out to millions of people in different parts of the world but little did I know that my Man of God would give me the opportunity to do exactly that, through the GLM Virtual Church.

My Pastor has given my life a meaning through the Word that he has taught me. I have something to look forward to when I wake up everyday! Pastor has given me my career. I didn’t even know I possessed some of the abilities I see in me today, before I met Pastor. Pastor has shown me how to live a life beyond the ordinary. Through the Word, I have known my identity. I have become so bold, nothing can fully describe me. A man will need a revelation to full describe me. I have become a mystery to my world. The Word has developed in me, an unbeatable mindset!!! At this point, I don’t know anything/anybody that can move me. The Word has become my standard! The Word is my foundation. Pastor has been so patient with me. 1 mistake or a couple have not made his faith in me waiver😎😎 Pastor has continually believed in me even when I barely did🙈🙈 And throughout these 4 years I have been under his leadership, Pastor has moulded me to become an effective leader and minister. He has celebrated my work, he has also rebuked me a number of times🙈🙈but with so much grace and certainly, with his guidance and confidence in me, I have become a weapon in God’s hands.

Today, I celebrate an Icon, a dispensation, my father, my life coach, my teacher, my mentor, my boss… and hero, Pastor Judah Kalinga. Pastor Sir, God has positioned you for me and for our generation. It is a privilege and honor to be associated with the ministry, Global Light ministry, the ministry that God has given you. Every time you share the Word of God, I get deeper insight, as I listen to you delve into the truth, my life is continually improved.

Pastor Sir, I celebrate you!

Writing these articles is my way of celebrating you and showing my appreciation and gratitude for the blessing you have been to all of us in the ministry and the body of Christ.

I’m going to be sharing what I have learnt from Pastor; the convictions that make me who I am today, what fuels my passion, my journey, the place of the Word in my life. Many people ask why I am always syched up😂😂😂or what fuels my passion for ministry. Well, as I share the core teachings that have made me who I am today, you’ll understand😎😎

Thank you for saying yes to Jesus. Because you did, me and thousands of people are living meaningful lives!!
