Today, I woke up at 5 a.m. really excited that today is my birthday! I turn 28šŸ˜Š And my 3 year old nephew keeps reminding me of this every time, especially when he sings and he gets to, how old are you now? How old are you now? Then he shouts 28šŸ˜Š I have to say, it has been 28 years of glory and awesomeness!!

Ā So, after waking up, I literally ran to run on the treadmill for 45 minutes, took some water then did 1,000 skips as I meditated on what my life has been so far. I normally count the skips in batches of 100 LoL so I did 10 batches of 100 each. Anyway, I then prepared myself, Ā fellowshipped in prayer and left the house for the office. As we drove to work with my colleagues, I couldnā€™t help but just smile all the way. I infused so much joy and confidence in the atmosphere haha

27 was quite a ride but again, one of the years I will remember for a very long time!

I have known what it means to have the person I trusted the most turn against me šŸ™ I have known what it means to have no friend around me when things got tough, except the obvious personšŸ˜Š I have also known what it means to exercise my faith and get results. Many times, I have exercised stubborn faith to get anything I want done. I now know to have 100% reliance on God ALWAYS!

I feel like this is the happiest and most mature I have ever been haha

There’s a time I was so afraid of going after what I want. I thought of the judgement, being not good enough, being misunderstood, limited resources, being not ready, status quoā€¦ the list is endless. I had never looked at myself, as an individual, an individual with the Creator of Heaven dwelling in her. Nelly, without the crowd. Never really thought about what I really wanted, as Nelly. But all this, is now a thing of the past. I am fully persuaded of each and every project Iā€™m currently working on. Even my attitude towards my job is different now. If I am going to focus my energy on any project, it is because it means something to me (and God) and definitely, there will be excellence in the end. I no longer do anything for the sake of doing. I focus my energy and entire being on what Iā€™m supposed to do and I deliver.

I also have no regard for criticism or those opinions that are not needed yet they just find themselves being madešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

In short, I now know what I want and I have the boldness to go after it and it is definitely not based on opinions. Everything else is noisešŸ˜…šŸ˜…

2017, 2018 and 2019 were very busy years for me. I can barely remember ever being at home during the day, on the weekend. I was literally living life on the fast lane but we truly made progress. I learned, unlearned then learned as I worked on various projects! I made beautiful and precious memories in those 3 years but I have really rested this year. Even my house can testify LoL we did a playful shoot earlier today with my friend and you can see the scar on my leg has greatly reduced and even now, it is inexistent in the realm of the spirit. Now, Iā€™m ready and I already am putting in the work! 2020 is still the Year of Perfection; Alignment, Completeness, Fruition and Excellence! This is my present hour reality, no matter what is happening in the world today! My words and thought pattern are consistent with Godā€™s Word!

Yes, there are times I had to redo a project almost a hundred times in order to register excellent and perfect results but in all these, I learnt a lot. I have discovered strengths I didnā€™t even know existed in me already. I have learned to be reliable when I am assigned to do anything. I have also learned to trust the ability of God in me when Iā€™m entrusted with responsibilities. I have learned to banish fear and doubt. My understanding has been enlightened and now, I am fully persuaded that I am the manifestation of Godā€™s thinking, the embodiment and epitome of Godā€™s beauty. I operate with Godā€™s sufficiency and ability therefore I only register excellence and diligence i.e. the God kind of results.

In another world, there is where I would have wanted to be at this particular moment but I know this is the exact place God wants me to be. And that gives me peace and assurance. The projects Iā€™m currently engaged in display the effulgence of the glory of God, the very image of his substance; projects that are bringing about transformation in the lives of men. This is what Iā€™m about. This is my calling. This is my purpose; to impact men with the investment God has deposited in my personality. To inspire everyone around me to think like me, through physical and virtual means.

I have learned to put on a solid front. It doesnā€™t matter what is placed in front of me. I STAND!! If the circumstances are rebellious then I also exercise my stubborn faith and trust me, I have never lost any battle! Even when it seems like Iā€™m losing, I am winning because Christ got the victory for me already at the cross!

If the last 1 year was a literal test, I know I would have scored an A haha yes.

The Word says, you are a poor specimen if you canā€™t withstand pressure. Thank God, I am not just any specimen, but a new creation born after God Himself. I donā€™t give in to pressure. I donā€™t quit. No! Even if the world put together + that defeated foe called the devil turn against me, I will STAND! Why? Because God and I form the MAJORITY! And we win ALWAYS! I walk by faith, the Holy Ghost ordering my steps. Even when I make a misstep, I am quick to rectify and keep on keeping on serving the Lord with all my heart!

So, Iā€™m just thinking, what lies in the 28th year? And the answer is simple! Only Godā€™s goodness lies in wait for me! And as I swim in Godā€™s goodness, faith exploits are inevitable!! Be encouraged today; It is not over until you win! Come out of the pity paty and reign in your world beloved!

Happy birthday to the definition of greatness and prosperity, the ever focused, outstanding and phenomenal woman, the rich Pastor, Nexcellent Tuluba. This is the beginning of a great chapter in your life; full of love, joy, peace, victories, unique ideas and opportunities, great ministerial work & giving.

It is a perpetual victory parade Sambi!!!!

The world is blessed to have you in its midst!!!

Happy birthday to the Solution Provider!!!

Special thanks to my wonderful friend, Daphne for the glorious photo shootšŸ˜Š