A few months ago, I had been given an assignment by my Pastor. (My Pastor is not only my pastor but my boss too. I have responsibilities and I am accountable to Him.)

Anyway, I already had a structured idea on how I was going to excellently execute the assignment. I told myself, I would do it the same way I had done it last time.

But then, things were not working.

And it was beginning to get a bit frustrating. Time was flying first too. We had around 3 weeks left.

It is at this point that the Holy Ghost said to me, “What makes you think just because it worked last time, it will work now? Of course, my response was, “Lord, you gave me the idea and it worked excellently last time.” Then He began to explain to me, that the specific way of doing things worked for that period and that now, it was a new level; a new level with new challenges and I needed to be strategic. I needed a new action plan, a new attitude. Hallelujah!!

No wonder, the Holy Spirit is our Extraordinary Strategist. If you are keen to listen to His counsel and guidance, you will always be able to manifest your best self. You will even meet the right people at the right people and at the right place.

Needless to say, the strategy the Holy Ghost gave me, produced SUPERNATURAL RESULTS!! The challenges I was facing, somehow, I could not see them anymore haha in fact, with this new level, came new challenges. But I was really ready for them with the “much more grace” I had received for this new assignment.

I have to say, the assignment was excellently done!!! Actually, very well done!! We surpassed everybody’s expectations!!

How many times have we held on to what ‘used to work’ and refused to see what God has in store for us? Have you heard people say, “I used to do it this way and It worked but not anymore? I have tried and tried. I don’t know what else to do.” Well, maybe that worked for that time but beloved, you gotta be careful to know what you need to do for this new season. I have heard people say, “I used to depend on my family and friends but not anymore. And now, I am stranded.”

Precious saint, it might look like it’s out of order but it is completely in order. All things in this world, including the universe, are conspiring to make things work together for your good (Romans 8:28).

With every new level, comes new challenges. You need to be aware of how to deal with them. And the only place, you can get the most effective strategies and manifold wisdom is from the Word of God.

What could you be if you just LET GO of what used to work for you??

I would like to give you an assignment (I will also do it 😊)

  1. Look for a quiet place, preferably a room where the possibility of any distraction is almost NIL.
  2. Write down what is currently dominant in your mind; something that you want to change. It could be a project/ assignment/ challenge on a piece of paper but I prefer a notebook for purposes of future reference.
  3. Take time to charge yourself up through prayer and study of the Word.
  4. Write down a NEW action plan; something that you haven’t tried before. Be keen to listen to what the Holy Ghost, our Extraordinary Strategist tells you. Draw wisdom from the Word of God.
  5. Hold that notebook and start giving thanks because the case is already settled! The challenge is bread, for you! Thank God for the victory.
  6. Go ahead and implement what the Holy Ghost told you to do. Take the NEXT BIG STEP. Don’t procrastinate, not even for another 1 hour. Don’t mind if it’ll not make sense to everyone around you. Go ahead and subdue those challenges. Follow the action plan, no matter how tough it gets. Stay in the Word of God and work out your faith until you get there, knowing that your victory is GUARANTEED. Christ won it all for you. It’s a perpetual victory parade!!!


Hey, I’m praying with you. Please share your testimonies with me down below on the comments section or leave a comment on Facebook. I read everything you write😊😊